DevSecOps – Introduction and Implementation

DevSecOps integrates Security into the DevOps process. This paper contains an introduction into DevSecOps and also a step-by-step implementation plan of how to implement DevSecOps into an existing company. It covers todo’s, processes and tasks as well as further resources. The paper does not describe how a specific tool works.

Markdown Cheatsheet

A Cheatsheet for the Markdown Syntax as PDF in Format A4. It contains the most important syntax such as Headers, Images, Code Blocks or ToDo Lists. Feel free to contact me to get the original Word File and modify it for your needs.

Windows Terminal Configuration

The Windows Terminal is a great console with pretty nice configuration options. The configuration of my console, which contains background images, custom fonts, dark theme, but no retro effect, can be found on GitHub:

Font Awesome Icon Renderer/Downloader

A simple tool that allows the user to enter an icon from font-awesom,e a color and a size and then take a screenshot of the icon.